
Upaya receives 501(c)(3) status, changes URL to

As of 31 January 2013, Upaya Social Ventures (EIN 80-0713334) is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. Following this change in status, Upaya and Jolkona Foundation have agreed to close out our fiscal sponsorship agreement effective 1 April 2013.

With its nonprofit tax status in place, Upaya has also transitioned its web domain to Going forward, will re-direct to the new domain, while staff will continue to receive emails at both their .org and .com domains.

Upaya's fiscal sponsorship agreement with Jolkona was originally signed in 2011 to ensure that individual donors and grant-making foundations could contribute to Upaya's work prior to Upaya obtaining its own tax exempt status. Under this arrangement, all of Upaya's reporting to the IRS was incorporated into Jolkona's annual 990 filings. However, in keeping with Upaya's value of transparency, Upaya-specific financial statements for 2011 and 2012 have been posted on the Finance and Governance page.