Severe Second Wave of Covid Cases in India — Upaya Social Ventures

Severe Second Wave of Covid Cases in India

We at Upaya are devastated by the severe second wave of Covid cases sweeping across India, and remain steadfastly committed to supporting our team, our entrepreneurs, and their jobholders during these uncertain times. As a member of our India team said this morning: In the first wave, we worried about their businesses. In this wave, we worry about them and their families. 

Our staff is checking in frequently with our portfolio companies, trying to adjust our support to meet their shifting needs right now. We are facilitating connections to funding and other forms of support, advising on alternate business strategies, and approving new investments as efficiently as possible. 

Although we are limited in what we can do on the healthcare front, it is important that we do all we can to sustain the small business ecosystem and the thousands of jobs that depend on it. Now, more than ever, the most vulnerable households need the security of these jobs. We greatly appreciate our community of supporters rallying around us and bolstering our ability to do this work at this very critical time.

UPDATE: 4/30/31 — We have launched a fundraising campaign to send emergency funds to our partner entrepreneurs in India so they can address the most critical needs of their jobholders and their businesses at this time. Click here to make a gift before May 5th that will be passed directly to our partners in India. All funds raised for Upaya during Washington state’s GiveBIG campaign will be directed to this emergency fund as well.

Visit for updates on Upaya’s Covid response efforts.